The text editor jEdit version >4.2 is required for StDB and can be downloaded from the download
page. Installation instructions can be found on this page as well.
Step 2 - Fetch Joost
Joost is a processor for STX, which is used by StDB. The latest version
could be found here.
The downloaded jar-file should be placed into the jedit plugin directory (e.g. /opt/jedit/jars).
Step 3 - Get StDB
With the help of StDB you can turn jEdit into a great IDE for STX. The
plugin for jEdit can be downloaded here
The downloaded file should also be placed into the jedit plugin directory.
Step 4 - Download additional libraries
To work with StDB you have to copy the commons-logging
and log4j into the jedit plugin directory.
To use code completion for stx in jEdit you have to install the